Saturday, July 17, 2010

You Should Add Some Color...

...and a fresh new do! Cause it's time for a star that looks just like you!
(from Hairspray)

Yeah, so I changed the layout again... and it took me the better part of 3 hours, only because I made the banner from scratch and I don't know why I chose polka dots, but I did, and it took FOREVER. I also picked out a few new fonts (that took a while) and then I had to figure out how to actually USE them... yeah I could be reading... but I decide to invest my time in something I'll change by Christmas (at least. If I keep it till then, I'll be impressed...)
Let it be known that when I do change it, there is NO way I'm doing hand made polkadots again... not on paint anyway... I need a better program for this sort of thing...

It just rained like CRAZY (scared the kitties), but my plants really needed it.

I think I'm gonna make some banana bread with my brown bananas! If I do, I'll put it up here.

(Title song: Welcome to the 60's- Hairspray)

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