Monday, August 8, 2011

26 Weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure if I've changed at all... since he's gaining by the week, I'm gonna say yes... but by how much I dunno.

How big is baby?: an eggplant this whole month, I can't wait to know exactly at our appointment next week.

Maternity clothes?: I'm in yoga pants and a cami today.

Stretch marks?: not yet!

Symptoms? WELL I'm fighting off some dumb throat thing thats going around... but I'm starting to need to prop my belly at night and the waddling...

Sleep?: Not getting enough ever, I nap whenever I can.

Best moment this week?: We panited his room a lovely mint color, and moved a lot of stuff around, so it's starting to feel like we have room for him.

Movement?: He is rolling and punching all the time, I love it.

How far along?: 26 weeks!

Food cravings?: I've been all about the salty things lately. I've been wanting popcorn so bad... but I put a lot more salt on things this week than normal.

Labor signs?: Nope.

Belly button in or out?: It pops after I've eaten.

What I miss: running again... there was a marathon on sunday I was hoping to run earlier in the year, maybe next year...

What I'm nervous about: I keep wishing I could help everyone move and lift heavy things... but I really don't like to worry myself for hours after.

What I am looking forward to: my days off... my appointment next week!!

Milestone: Painted the nursery!

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