Monday, August 29, 2011

29 Weeks

*someone mentioned how these look like the candy corn pumpkins and now that's all I see them as...*

Total weight gain: we'll see at my appointment next week i guess.

How big is baby?: I guess he's bigger than average because today I read he should be 2.5 pounds this week, and he was that much last week.

Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet, I haven't used the belly butter in a few days because a lot has been going on lately.

Symptoms? HEARTBURN. like crazy.

Sleep?: Since we evacuated from the hurricane this weekend, all we did was sleep for a few days, and now I'm tired again!

Best moment this week?: Finally getting home last night. The no power/internet/ac/water thing is really hard on a pregnant woman.

Movement?: I got jabbed in the ribs this morning! He's always all over the place, I don't know how he doesn't sleep all day, I know I would...

How far along?: 29 weeks! 7 months along!!

Food cravings?: everything... mainly Pumpkin Spice Lattes since I know they are coming up soon!! But I ate PB&Js for 3 days when the power was out, so anything other than that I'm craving.

Labor signs?: I think I've been getting Braxton Hicks? Feels like someone sitting on my chest and a tight belly for about 30 seconds. It makes me nervous that I've had so many lately... but I read it's only a problem if its more than 10 a day.

Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.

What I miss: moving around without a waddel... or feeling sore or tired.

What I'm nervous about: These braxton hicks... and mild cramping. I don't want to go into pre-term labor! Nothing is done in the nursery!

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is next weeeeek! Labor day is this weekend, but since the hurricane, I don't know how it will work out... it's usually the last big weekend of the summer. We'll see...

Milestone: 7 MONTHS TODAY

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