Friday, September 16, 2011

Spewing of Random thoughts... Ready go.

I was catching up on all of my favorite blogs as I love to do and I was trying to figure out what it was about those blogs that I love and what I could do to make my blog better. Well the first thing I realized was that lately all I've been doing is answering my weekly pregnancy survey. After reading my last 10 entries Ive found it an get a little repetitive. So I went back to before those times to see what I used to blog about. I used to think that it was pointless and boring what I used to post about... But looking back at all those yummy recipes and delicious wines, the crafts I attempted, the moments of contemplation and mulling over of emotions over my morning coffee... I'm so glad I wrote those down! A lot has changed over the summer. I haven't cooked anything in a long time, or finished a book, I haven't worked out or even sat down to write something since work started up in April. All I seem to be able to do as of late, is work in the mornings, spend an hour or two with Matt before he leaves for work, and sleep or relax for the rest of the night. I know I'm growing a human in here and it takes up so much energy, not to mention I'm always tired after work. My friend said there is a specific tiredness that comes with waiting tables that is unlike other feelings of being tired. And you know, there really is.
I really want to share with you what a day in my life is truly like. I wish it were glamorous and exciting, but it's mostly just regular. I know I'll appreciate it once my little boy gets here and I realize how much my life has changed. I mostly just have a problem with taking the time to upload pictures... And for some reason I think that a blog entry is pointless without pictures.. What can I say? I'm a visual person. So from here on out, I'm trying a new, less visual, more inciteful blogging method. I like themes and putting things in categories or boxes and lables and what not.... And I've come to realize that life can't always fit into one box. Sometimes its best if it isn't labeled and just does what it wants. This post is totally proof of that. I'm basically spewing out random thoughts here.
I will have more time soon... The end of the season is drawing near and I'm so excited for the restaurant to close. Today was the first chilly day and everyone was talking about it! Thats the beach for ya, we talk about the weather, but it holds a little mote importance with business and tourists than in most cities.
Well I'm super hungry and Matt is on his way home with dinner so I'm gonna wrap it up because we (baby and I) are too hungry to think logically anymore.

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