Thursday, October 28, 2010

Sneek Peek!

Here's a picture of the front of the house we're moving into!

There are alot of trees over the kitchen window, which is nice for privacy, but we can see out of it pretty well. The old tennant is moving out on the first, so as soon as we can, I'll snap pictures and put them up.
Also, to add to another thing that broke in our current house, the water heater went last week, we've been driving across the street to Matt's Nana's to shower every morning... at least we are only working Saturday and Sunday and then MILLERS CLOSES!!

We've already started packing up the bathrooms (since we can't shower there), our bedroom and the spare rooms. We have alot of boxes sitting around waiting for the first chance we have to start putting stuff in the new place.
Offical Move In Day is the 15th, but we can start moving stuff as soon as it's empty. I can't wait. I'm over the hardwood floors and between them and dusting everything before packing it is getting WAY too much junk in the air... my allergies are killing me...
I really want some panera... but sadly, we live no where near anything good... so I'm just gonna pretend...

Mmmm... broccoli cheddar soup and a ceaser salad.......

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