Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Getting Started

So I really want to get going on my list! The first one I'm going for is rereading the Harry Potter Series, because it seems the easiest, plus, the Nest Book Club is going to be discussing them soon, so I might as well read and discuss to make it stick (since the first time I read through them it was so fast just to see what was going to happen, that this time I'm really going to soak it in and enjoy it!) However, I lent out my HPSS and I can't seem to be able to get it back. I'm either gonna borrow it from someone (none of my friends down here read HP, and the one that does can't find #1!) or I'm just gonna go buy a new one, prolly by Friday. I'm antsy.
The other ones I plan on working on soon are the recipies and wines. I'm super excited to get going with that... but I thought about it, and if I wanted to get PG by Dec, I have 10 months... which boils down to a bottle a month. That sounds reasonable right?
I also wanted to get my shape-ups before the season started... but seeing as how they are $80 on ebay and $120 retail, I'm gonna have to wait till the season picks up before I get them. And once I have money for those, I should have enough for a camera too!
Once it gets warm, I'm gonna do my Rock The Dress!
I'm cutting my hair in May and I plan on posting before and after pictures!
The Aquarium and karaoke will happen in the summer some time. As well as getting my passport, because the honeymoon is going to be in September!
All the other ones are a little doing the marathon (which is in Nov) and getting a BFP. Most of these will hopefully happen this year! So I might add a few things once I complete others.
So alot is on it's way!
Today's song: Haven't Met You Yet- Michael Buble
"Talk myself in, I talk myself out, I get all worked up then I let myself down. I tried so very hard not to loose it. I came up with a million excuses. I thought, I thought of every possibility... And I know some day that it’ll all turn out, You'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get, I just haven't met you yet"

Monday, February 15, 2010

Everyone else is doing it....

So it's been 5 months since the wedding, and I need some goals to work towards. Alot of gals made a 100 in 1001 lists, but I have made a list of 25 things to do before I turn 25. It's less than 100 things, but I'm usually a procrastinator and tend to not finish what I started. I plan on taking pictures and keeping tabs on my progress here.
A little bit about me:
My name is Emily, and I'm turning 23 in May, which gives me two years to do 25 things (and actually a few of my 25 things are more than one thing...). I married Matt on September 12th, which was our 6th year anniversary and he is my everything. We both grew up in Maryland, but moved down to the North Carolina in April 2008. We both work at Miller's Seafood and Steakhouse, but he works the dinner shift and I work the breakfast shift. Miller's is open from March to November, which gives us 4 months off in the winter to rest and relax before the next season. I'm saying this because when Miller's is open, that's all we do. Well, last year, that's all we did because we were saving money to pay off the wedding (go check it out at my Wedding Bio-sticky at the top of the page).
This year, I plan to take it slow. I want to just work the mornings this summer (not work at starbucks for 8 hours a day ontop of my morning shift), and have the rest of the day to tan or read (or complete one of my 25). This summer is just for me because this November, I'm gonna go off my BCP, and we plan on getting KU before the next Miller's season opens. The goal is to have said baby by the time Miller's closes next year and have 4 months of paid maternity leave! Which means being pregnant during the summer (nervous about that) and also during the height of the season (which means amazing tips, but alot of extra work on my part).
I use alot of parenthesis when I talk, because I tend to get off topic quite easily.
I'm really upbeat and positive, even though I'm kind of dark and twisty inside. I love to sing and dance or anything else creative (scrapbooking, drawing, cooking, writing).I like things clean, I am a horrible speller, I have huge goals, big dreams and over plan everything (which is why I need to have this blog, so I can stop voting on people's baby names and looking at nurserys all day long).
Today's song: Quitter- Carrie Underwood
"When I believe that nothing lasts forever, you stay with me keeping us together, and make me feel like I never, ever want to give you up, till now I've always been a quitter..."