Monday, August 29, 2011

29 Weeks

*someone mentioned how these look like the candy corn pumpkins and now that's all I see them as...*

Total weight gain: we'll see at my appointment next week i guess.

How big is baby?: I guess he's bigger than average because today I read he should be 2.5 pounds this week, and he was that much last week.

Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet, I haven't used the belly butter in a few days because a lot has been going on lately.

Symptoms? HEARTBURN. like crazy.

Sleep?: Since we evacuated from the hurricane this weekend, all we did was sleep for a few days, and now I'm tired again!

Best moment this week?: Finally getting home last night. The no power/internet/ac/water thing is really hard on a pregnant woman.

Movement?: I got jabbed in the ribs this morning! He's always all over the place, I don't know how he doesn't sleep all day, I know I would...

How far along?: 29 weeks! 7 months along!!

Food cravings?: everything... mainly Pumpkin Spice Lattes since I know they are coming up soon!! But I ate PB&Js for 3 days when the power was out, so anything other than that I'm craving.

Labor signs?: I think I've been getting Braxton Hicks? Feels like someone sitting on my chest and a tight belly for about 30 seconds. It makes me nervous that I've had so many lately... but I read it's only a problem if its more than 10 a day.

Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.

What I miss: moving around without a waddel... or feeling sore or tired.

What I'm nervous about: These braxton hicks... and mild cramping. I don't want to go into pre-term labor! Nothing is done in the nursery!

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is next weeeeek! Labor day is this weekend, but since the hurricane, I don't know how it will work out... it's usually the last big weekend of the summer. We'll see...

Milestone: 7 MONTHS TODAY

Monday, August 22, 2011

28 Weeks

Total weight gain: all right guys, we're up 17 lbs as of my Wedneday appointment. So usually we are on the 100-mark and she slides it down to the end, but this time... we went to the end, and it wasn't enough... and we had to CLUNK that sucker over to the 150-mark... and let me tell you, I felt that clunk in my heart for a second, but everyone has been saying how tiny I look and I know it's for the best cause in the world, so I'll stop worrying about it. :)

How big is baby?: He was 2 lbs 5 oz at the ultra sound. It also hit me that he'll never be smaller than 2 pounds in his whole life... it's not like he starts over when he pops out. This is it. I don't know why I thought that, but it's just a weird way of looking at it.

Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet! I keep belly buttering!

Symptoms? I've been feeling pretty good lately. Can't go up the stairs very fast, and I take care to turn over in bed really slowly.

Sleep?: I've taken two long mid-day naps this week. I think work just makes one tired, because I remember napping last year too, and this time I'm growing a human sooo, I'm allowd.

Best moment this week?: Seeing my baby boy again. Matt's mom came with me this time and she was so excited to see him. I also bought Matt a good Dad book that I learned a lot from.

Movement?: Tons. I love it. I never want it to go away, I love that I know he's ok because he's always moving.

How far along?: 28 weeks!

Food cravings?: I've loved the salt lately. French fries for sure. I really had a craving for chocolate so bad while I was shopping that I almost bought it to eat through the store, but I didn't. I've been trying to eat healthy.

Labor signs?: Nope.

Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.

What I miss: Well, I actually went to the gym and walked on an incline for a mile and swam for about a half hour, so I feel like I got some activity in this week! So this week, I might miss beer. Matt and I tried this new restaurant and since it was a 'Pour House' Matt had some beer and I really wanted a sip, but I didn't.

What I'm nervous about: Ok, so guys. I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Bum bum bummmmmm. I was super depressed about it for about two days, thinking I've been careless about my eating habits (even though I haven't been), thinking I've done something wrong and it's all my fault. But I was reassured that a lot of people fail the first one, and there's nothing I could have done better, if I have gestational diabetes, then I have it. I'm nervous for my 3-hour though... coming up in a few weeks.

What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is also in a few weeks, so I really can't wait for that. Not too much happening this week.

Milestone: We're still in month 6... even though I thought I was at 24 weeks... so I feel like I've been 6 months along for. ever.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Butterbeer Cupcakes!!

In honor of the Deathly Hallows Part 2 midnight show, I decided to make Butterbeer cupcakes, and I am just now putting this recipe up... a month later... Here goes!!

Snatched from Cook Like A Champion

Butterbeer Cupcakes
Makes 18

For the cupcakes:
2 cups flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup dark brown sugar, packed
3 large eggs
1 tablespoon butterscotch schnapps
1/2 cup buttermilk
1/2 cup cream soda

For the filling:
5 1/2 ounces butterscotch chips (half an 11 ounce package or a little less than a cup)
1/2 cup heavy cream

For the frosting:
1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
1/3 cup butterscotch filling
1 tablespoon butterscotch schnapps
1/8 teaspoon salt
3 1/2 to 4 cups powdered sugar
Splash of cream soda (as needed)

To make the cupcakes, preheat oven to 350ยบ and line cupcake pans with liners. In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, baking powder and salt and set aside.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add both sugars and continue beating until well combined. On low speed, add eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition.

Add the dry ingredients in three batches, alternating with the cream soda and buttermilk. Mix until just combined, scraping the sides and bottom of the bowl as needed.

Fill each cupcake liner about 3/4 full, then bake for 15-17 minutes until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Cool completely on a wire rack.

While the cupcakes are cooling, make the filling by combining the butterscotch chips and heavy cream in a glass bowl set over a pot of simmering water. Stir occasionally until combined.

Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. Transfer to a squeeze bottle and fill each cupcake just until the filling comes to the top.

To make the frosting, cream the butter on medium speed until light and fluffy. Add the butterscotch filling, schnapps and salt and beat until well combined. On low speed, beat in the powdered sugar one cup at a time until desired consistency is reached. Add cream soda as needed to thin the frosting.

Frost cupcakes and drizzle with remaining syrup.

There the are! All in all, these were delish. I poured too much soda in the icing, so it was a little soupy and not as fluffy as I'd like, but it still tasted good. The filling helped keep these guys moist over night and they were still amazing the next day!

Monday, August 15, 2011

27 Weeks

Total weight gain: We'll find out at my appointment on Wednesday

How big is baby?: an eggplant this whole month, I can't wait to know exactly at our appointment next week.

Maternity clothes?: Jeans and mostly bigger shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet!

Symptoms? My nose has been running all week, I don't know how I could possibly have so much snot in my nose...

Sleep?: I'm starting to have problems getting comfortable.

Best moment this week?: We bought two thirty-one bags! One is the utility tote I think it's called, it's got a million pockets. And the other is some kind of square storage bin that we'll use for his laundry (and toys later on).

Movement?: You can watch my belly move.

How far along?: 27 weeks!

Food cravings?: Pretty much anything bad for me...

Labor signs?: Nope. But I do get a few round ligament pains if I move too fast, I don't think those are Braxton-Hicks though... I'm still anxiously awaiting those.

Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.

What I miss: Doing things at a normal pace. Lately I have to be so slow at everything I do!

What I'm nervous about: I'm nervous about my glucose test on wednesday...

What I am looking forward to: ...but I'm looking forward to seeing him on wednesday! And for having 3 days off this week!

Milestone: Officially in the THIRD TRIMESTER. The very last. 13 weeks to go. omg.

Monday, August 8, 2011

26 Weeks

Total weight gain: Not sure if I've changed at all... since he's gaining by the week, I'm gonna say yes... but by how much I dunno.

How big is baby?: an eggplant this whole month, I can't wait to know exactly at our appointment next week.

Maternity clothes?: I'm in yoga pants and a cami today.

Stretch marks?: not yet!

Symptoms? WELL I'm fighting off some dumb throat thing thats going around... but I'm starting to need to prop my belly at night and the waddling...

Sleep?: Not getting enough ever, I nap whenever I can.

Best moment this week?: We panited his room a lovely mint color, and moved a lot of stuff around, so it's starting to feel like we have room for him.

Movement?: He is rolling and punching all the time, I love it.

How far along?: 26 weeks!

Food cravings?: I've been all about the salty things lately. I've been wanting popcorn so bad... but I put a lot more salt on things this week than normal.

Labor signs?: Nope.

Belly button in or out?: It pops after I've eaten.

What I miss: running again... there was a marathon on sunday I was hoping to run earlier in the year, maybe next year...

What I'm nervous about: I keep wishing I could help everyone move and lift heavy things... but I really don't like to worry myself for hours after.

What I am looking forward to: my days off... my appointment next week!!

Milestone: Painted the nursery!

Monday, August 1, 2011

25 weeks

Total weight gain: I'm not sure if its more than last week, I don't weigh myself between appointments.

How big is baby?: an eggplant this week!

Maternity clothes?: I'm starting to be limited to bigger shirts... my belly pops out of some of my usual shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet!

Symptoms? I sort of waddle now... heartburn, tailbone pain, it's only gonna get crazier.

Sleep?: Great, I would love to sleep all the time. I just never get to...

Best moment this week?: I went to the beach like 4 times!

Movement?: bunches and bunches!

How far along?: 25 weeks! 6 months officially!

Food cravings?: sweets. all the time. i wish it were something healthier.

Labor signs?: Nope.

Belly button in or out?: I've got some sort of belly button cliff...

What I miss: SLEEP. I've been staying up with company and not taking naps and working, but tomorrow is my Friday, so I'm really excited to catch up.

What I'm nervous about: I need to drink a lot more water, but I always feel so full and sloshy in my belly, and no matter how much I drink, I feel the need to pee always.

What I am looking forward to: Next week we move onto the THIRD TRIMESTER. whaaat?!

Milestone: 6 months!!