Total weight gain: I'm not sure if its more than last week, I don't weigh myself between appointments.
How big is baby?: an eggplant this week!
Maternity clothes?: I'm starting to be limited to bigger shirts... my belly pops out of some of my usual shirts.
Stretch marks?: not yet!
Symptoms? I sort of waddle now... heartburn, tailbone pain, it's only gonna get crazier.
Sleep?: Great, I would love to sleep all the time. I just never get to...
Best moment this week?: I went to the beach like 4 times!
Movement?: bunches and bunches!
How far along?: 25 weeks! 6 months officially!
Food cravings?: sweets. all the time. i wish it were something healthier.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: I've got some sort of belly button cliff...
What I miss: SLEEP. I've been staying up with company and not taking naps and working, but tomorrow is my Friday, so I'm really excited to catch up.
What I'm nervous about: I need to drink a lot more water, but I always feel so full and sloshy in my belly, and no matter how much I drink, I feel the need to pee always.
What I am looking forward to: Next week we move onto the THIRD TRIMESTER. whaaat?!
Milestone: 6 months!!
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