Total weight gain: We'll find out at my appointment on Wednesday
How big is baby?: an eggplant this whole month, I can't wait to know exactly at our appointment next week.
Maternity clothes?: Jeans and mostly bigger shirts.
Stretch marks?: not yet!
Symptoms? My nose has been running all week, I don't know how I could possibly have so much snot in my nose...
Sleep?: I'm starting to have problems getting comfortable.
Best moment this week?: We bought two thirty-one bags! One is the utility tote I think it's called, it's got a million pockets. And the other is some kind of square storage bin that we'll use for his laundry (and toys later on).
Movement?: You can watch my belly move.
How far along?: 27 weeks!
Food cravings?: Pretty much anything bad for me...
Labor signs?: Nope. But I do get a few round ligament pains if I move too fast, I don't think those are Braxton-Hicks though... I'm still anxiously awaiting those.
Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.
What I miss: Doing things at a normal pace. Lately I have to be so slow at everything I do!
What I'm nervous about: I'm nervous about my glucose test on wednesday...
What I am looking forward to: ...but I'm looking forward to seeing him on wednesday! And for having 3 days off this week!
Milestone: Officially in the THIRD TRIMESTER. The very last. 13 weeks to go. omg.
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