Total weight gain: all right guys, we're up 17 lbs as of my Wedneday appointment. So usually we are on the 100-mark and she slides it down to the end, but this time... we went to the end, and it wasn't enough... and we had to CLUNK that sucker over to the 150-mark... and let me tell you, I felt that clunk in my heart for a second, but everyone has been saying how tiny I look and I know it's for the best cause in the world, so I'll stop worrying about it. :)
How big is baby?: He was 2 lbs 5 oz at the ultra sound. It also hit me that he'll never be smaller than 2 pounds in his whole life... it's not like he starts over when he pops out. This is it. I don't know why I thought that, but it's just a weird way of looking at it.
Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts.
Stretch marks?: not yet! I keep belly buttering!
Symptoms? I've been feeling pretty good lately. Can't go up the stairs very fast, and I take care to turn over in bed really slowly.
Sleep?: I've taken two long mid-day naps this week. I think work just makes one tired, because I remember napping last year too, and this time I'm growing a human sooo, I'm allowd.
Best moment this week?: Seeing my baby boy again. Matt's mom came with me this time and she was so excited to see him. I also bought Matt a good Dad book that I learned a lot from.
Movement?: Tons. I love it. I never want it to go away, I love that I know he's ok because he's always moving.
How far along?: 28 weeks!
Food cravings?: I've loved the salt lately. French fries for sure. I really had a craving for chocolate so bad while I was shopping that I almost bought it to eat through the store, but I didn't. I've been trying to eat healthy.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: It's pretty much out all the time.
What I miss: Well, I actually went to the gym and walked on an incline for a mile and swam for about a half hour, so I feel like I got some activity in this week! So this week, I might miss beer. Matt and I tried this new restaurant and since it was a 'Pour House' Matt had some beer and I really wanted a sip, but I didn't.
What I'm nervous about: Ok, so guys. I failed my 1 hour glucose test. Bum bum bummmmmm. I was super depressed about it for about two days, thinking I've been careless about my eating habits (even though I haven't been), thinking I've done something wrong and it's all my fault. But I was reassured that a lot of people fail the first one, and there's nothing I could have done better, if I have gestational diabetes, then I have it. I'm nervous for my 3-hour though... coming up in a few weeks.
What I am looking forward to: My baby shower is also in a few weeks, so I really can't wait for that. Not too much happening this week.
Milestone: We're still in month 6... even though I thought I was at 24 weeks... so I feel like I've been 6 months along for. ever.
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