The other ones I plan on working on soon are the recipies and wines. I'm super excited to get going with that... but I thought about it, and if I wanted to get PG by Dec, I have 10 months... which boils down to a bottle a month. That sounds reasonable right?
I also wanted to get my shape-ups before the season started... but seeing as how they are $80 on ebay and $120 retail, I'm gonna have to wait till the season picks up before I get them. And once I have money for those, I should have enough for a camera too!
Once it gets warm, I'm gonna do my Rock The Dress!
I'm cutting my hair in May and I plan on posting before and after pictures!
The Aquarium and karaoke will happen in the summer some time. As well as getting my passport, because the honeymoon is going to be in September!
All the other ones are a little doing the marathon (which is in Nov) and getting a BFP. Most of these will hopefully happen this year! So I might add a few things once I complete others.
So alot is on it's way!
Today's song: Haven't Met You Yet- Michael Buble
"Talk myself in, I talk myself out, I get all worked up then I let myself down. I tried so very hard not to loose it. I came up with a million excuses. I thought, I thought of every possibility... And I know some day that it’ll all turn out, You'll make me work so we can work to work it out And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get, I just haven't met you yet"
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