[Ok, so yesterday was a fluke, but anything above 40 is a win at this point considering half of the country is covered in snow taller than Shaq]
I'm thankful that the sun decided to show up a little yesterday! It was 70 degrees out!! I hardly had to wear a coat, it was amazing. It reminded me that summertime and warmth (and steadily flowing cash) is on it's way. I almost wanted to clean out my car, but I had a few things to do and by the time I got back, it was dark. Maybe next time it's warm. I feel like the sun gives me motivation and cheers me up. I definitely have some landscaping and car related to do's for the next 70 degree day.

I'm thankful for being active! p90x is still going strong and we are on week 3!! Next week is a recovery week (mostly yoga and stretching) so that will make it a whole month we've been committed to it! Yesterday I went to the gym and ran 2 miles! I really didn't want to keep going after 1.5, I had a cramp from eating too soon before the gym (it was a little over an hour before) and since it was such a nice day, my body decided to sweat WAY more than usual... but then Fighter by Christina Aguilera came on... and I decided to make it to 2! Since p90x, we never go to the gym anymore, so 2 miles after an almost 3 week break from running was pretty good to me. When I don't wake up to go to work every morning, I feel kind of blah. The kind of mentality creeps into my brain like, 'what is stopping me from laying on this couch and eating a whole bag of Doritos until it gets dark again and I go to bed?' (besides the fact that it would make me feel so nasty). So the forcing myself to get up early enough to eat something healthy and digest it before we start working out really helps. Also sweating makes me feel productive.
[yes, meatballs]
I'm thankful for Buy 1, Get 1 Free Meatballs. Especially when they are the kind I love, Mama Lucia. I'm gonna be honest with you, I love meat. I could never been a vegetarian. Every meal needs meat (with exceptions to dessert and between meal snacks). So when we are on a tight budget, the easiest meals are boil pasta, add sauce, eat. Repeat. But, (excuse my 80's commercialism) Where's The MEAT? I'll tell you where it is. It is in BOGO meatballs. PLUS! I can make those amazing cocktail meatballs for the SUPER BOWL! Huzzah!! (While we're at it, Buy 1, Get 1 Free anything is pretty amazing.)
I'm thankful for V8 Fusions! It's the best way to get a lot of fruits and veggies in. I love the pom/blueberry (like in the picture) and my other favorite is blueberry/acai. As much as I love fruits and veggies, this is really delicious and not that expensive! And as I understand, it's one serving of fruit AND a serving of vegetable (so it's ALSO like a BOGO).
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