It was one of the hardest winters we've had since we moved to the beach since we spent so much on the honeymoon this past September. At least when we spent a lot on the wedding, we got tons back as gifts, so we used that to get by. By the end, we were scraping by on dollar store shampoo/condition (ughhh- my hair HATES it), ramen noodles and frozen foods. We have big plans for this next winter. We plan to save up enough for rent for the months we have off, as well as stocking up on all the essentials (tp, paper towels, laundry detergent, decent shampoo, trash bags, soaps) that sort of thing so we don't have to worry about having those to work into our budget. Not to mention, we won't have to leave the house for every little thing since it might be hard to get out once we have a little one.
I really can't wait until we can buy a new computer. I have to either blog via phone which is totally not as hip as it sounds, or use my friends computer which sounds pretty lame "hey, can I use your computer so I can blog *pushes up glasses*". I've been meaning to make a spring time post, since it's my favorite season and I've done all the others. I also really want to buy an amazing new camera, but we'll see how that goes.
On the baby-growing front, I'm 8 weeks, 5 days today and (between not running as much and drinking soda like it's my job) I unbutton my jeans when I eat. I usually wear my jeans pretty snug, but honestly, I bought a Belly Band, and I love it. I've been pretty symptom free minus the Dolly Parton-sized boobs I now have. I just have to eat often to keep from getting nauseous (which I do anyways). We go in for our first appointment on Monday! I was already promised an ultrasound so I'm really looking forward to hearing Baby B's heartbeat or maybe seeing them for the first time! It will be nice since it seems like nothing has changed except for the fact that when I peed on those HPT's it read something like this
Oh, and by Monday, my ute is going to be the size of a grapefruit. A. Grapefruit. Just a fun fact.
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