Total weight gain: Well, Halloween candy at walmart is now 50% off... lord help me. And since he's gaining weight everyday, it means I am too. Yay...
How big is baby?: Almost 7 lbs, good gracious.
Maternity clothes?: Getting to big for maternity pants makes my heart hurt a little. My behind has pretty much doubled, and since my belly is so low now a days, it's impossible to fit into any pants while also fully covering my belly with any one shirt.
Stretch marks?: Yup. Bright red swirls all around my belly button... and I've started noticing something faint on my left hip. It's time to get out before it gets worse!
Symptoms?: Braxton hicks, lots of sweating (I accidentally typed swearing at first, but we could possibly say that too), hips screaming while I sleep, swollen fingers and toes, irritability, spurts of energy followed by lots of napping.
Sleep?: Well, the restaurant is closed! So there's no setting alarms which is nice, but I'm tossing and turning every few hours to keep my hips from breaking. And when I say toss and turn, I mean, shifting my weight in 8 small movements from one hip to the other, because I can't just flip like I used to.
Best moment this week?: Closing up the restaurant. I went in for breakfast one last time and helped out (even though I'm 9 months pregnant and didn't even clock in = respect points!). It only took about an hour or so, and I was hoping it would send me into labor.... it didn't.
Movement?: Tons still. I sat and tried to do kick counts while he was napping and it freaked me out. Matt was like 'he has to sleep sometime, relax!' that's what we have husbands for. :) Also, Matt was obsessed with feeling where we could tell were feet or elbows last night, couldn't stop rubbin! It was so cute.
How far along?: 38 weeks!
Food cravings?: Nothing out of the norm, a lot of milk (even though the last 2 glasses I drank, I poured out half way through because I felt like they were tasting funny).
Labor signs?: braxton hicks, but not much real cramping yet. Except for Friday night, I cramped every hour for about 12 hours, thought it was the real thing, and it stopped while I was at work. LAME. I'm so impatient.
Belly button in or out?: so out and stretching.
What I miss: Fitting in clothes or shoes. I started to look at some jeans and then I realized it was pointless. At least for another month or so...
What I'm nervous about: Not knowing if my water breaks! Some people say it can be a slow leak, but apparently a lot of fluids are hanging around these days, so it can get confusing. I just don't want his water to run out and remain clueless! Of course, I'm sure he would stop moving, or I would feel gushes.
What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment tomorrow. Maybe I'll be more dilated?
Milestones: Well, his room has been done, the diaper bag and hospital bag have been packed for weeks, the restaurant closed... it's just waiting for the big moment! Oh! And I trick or treated as a janitor with a 'beer belly'... lol.
1 comment:
You're so close!!
Do you have pics of your costume??
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