#1 I have an infant who is very spoiled... I mean... loved.
#2 Blogging comes right after cleaning the house in my order of importance these days. (see below)
#3 The computer is in our bedroom where there is no good place for Jesse to hang out, so I'm never up there. I will talk to Matt about rearranging things so that the computer is downstairs in the living room.
That being said, I have a few moments to catch up.
Eating: He is up to 10lbs 8oz as of his last doctors appointment last Monday. We are still going about 3 hours between meals. Last night was great with a wopping 6 hours. I pumped 6oz while he was sleeping and he ate every last drop when he woke up. I'm drinking Mother's Milk tea to try to keep up with Jesse's growing belly. Jesse is also taking some anti-acid medicine twice a day to help with some minor reflux issues. He seems to yak just about the same amount as he did before, but he is more comfortable laying on his back, and can sleep better.
Sleeping: We are starting to hit a breakthrough I think. Three times in the past few days, I have laid him down while he was wide awake, and he has silently slipped off to sleep on his own! A remarkable difference from the constant walking until he is in a deep sleep, laying him down gently and praying he doesn't realize you ever stopped holding him. This could mean miraculous things for me, a little more time, and a little less crying around the house! (but let's not scare it away since it's still very new...)
Playing: Yes! This is recently a new thing too, going hand in hand with the whole, not crying if he realizes he's not being held phenomenon. I laid him down under his jungle animal toys and he batted them around for a good 20 minutes or so instead of just staring at things.
Me!: I'm still not working out yet, but I'm doing the normal human amount of walking, laundry basket carrying, grocery shopping type of physical activity which is an improvement! I really love hearing about the amount of weight I've lost from people who haven't seen me in a while (since I was a 9 month pregnant whale). Which is also great to hear because I'm eating almost constantly. I burn so many calories from all of the breastfeeding, I need to stuff more food in my mouth to keep up!
I read an amazing article this morning. Here's the link to it: Don't Carpe Diem. I'm just going to share my favorite part.
"I think parenting young children (and old ones, I've heard) is a little like climbing Mount Everest. Brave, adventurous souls try it because they've heard there's magic in the climb. They try because they believe that finishing, or even attempting the climb are impressive accomplishments. They try because during the climb, if they allow themselves to pause and lift their eyes and minds from the pain and drudgery, the views are breathtaking. They try because even though it hurts and it's hard, there are moments that make it worth the hard. These moments are so intense and unique that many people who reach the top start planning, almost immediately, to climb again. Even though any climber will tell you that most of the climb is treacherous, exhausting, killer. That they literally cried most of the way up."
This is quite possibly one of the best analogies for parenting I've ever read. The article is actually about how older ladies in the grocery store always say "Oh, enjoy EVERY moment, it goes so fast." And how more than half the time, you wish those screaming moments would in fact go by so fast, but they don't. And this doesn't make you a bad parent. It's more about seizing the precious moments (however few and far between they seem some days).
While I was reading about this wonderful idea, I was actually doing just that. I had fed Jesse last night at 9:30 and we headed to bed. Everyone slept until 3, and then went right back to bed. The next feeding wasn't until 8, so we had almost 10 hours of sweet sleep, with only about 45 minutes in the middle for nursing. I was so well rested that after 8, we went downstairs and played in that jungle toy. He was laying there smiling, batting around the little zebra and hippo and I was brewing my tea and checking facebook. We were just enjoying the morning until he started to get a little fussy. Now I was prepared to walk him and hear screaming for about another hour (like every other morning) but after putting some laundry in and walking for about 4 minutes, he was out! And the rest of my morning has been so peaceful, it's been so very nice.
As I mentioned before, here is the list of my priorities these days:
Jesse (feeding, changing, getting to sleep)
Checking Facebook
Grocery Shopping
FaceTiming People
Catching Up On DVR
Basic Cleaning (the house)
Art/Craft Projects
Organizing/Big Cleaning Projects
Extra Physical Activities
Syncing My Phone
Looking Good/Going Out
And last but not least, here are two teaser pictures from our adorable photo shoot!

And here are a few more cute Instagram pictures!

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