Agh... Harry Potter, the best series I will ever read, I assure you. There are more levels to this book than anyone will ever know. You think it's just a childs book about magical stuff, and then you fall in love with the characters and the story and that world. It's so amazing the amount of time and planning she put into this series and it shows in every page. It took me 8 years to finish this series the first time around, and this time, it took me 8 months. I could seriously sit and soak up every inch of these books anytime I'm infront of them. And talking to Harry Potter fans is amazing. I truely learn something new everytime I get into a discussion.
Now everyone who has finished this book can go read Mark Read's version of the last 5 chapters. It is like reading it for the first time. It's amazing. AND NOW he's doing a re-read and it's even better!
I'm not gonna lie, I was a mess at the end of the first part of this movie... and I know it will only multiply by 7 or 8 for the next part... ugh... it's gonna be amazing.
Now I can start reading all the other books I have stacked up and waiting including:
ugh, I'm so intimidated by this book... it's a small print, small margin 1130 page book... and it's hard to pick up to start reading because of these simple facts... even though I know this book is awesome and the plot seems amazing, it's just running my eyes over that many words seems daunting. But hey, after all the words in Harry Potter I can do it right?!
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