Be Healthy (-er):
There's a lot of different ways to be healthy, so I'm gonna break it down.
Physically- This one is the easiest of them all to me. This mostly means eating well, staying active and taking care of my body.
[ ]Making good food choices (low in fat, lots of fruits and vegetables)
[ ]Going to the gym regularly (going running, doing yoga or playing outside)
[ ]Floss more often, let's be honest here.
[ ]Improve posture, stop slouching!!
Mentally- This one is one of the hardest for me I think. One of my biggest issues right now is just being OK with where I am in life. I think it started in high school when the only thing my school cared about was going to college. No one prepared you for real life, because you go to college for four years before you have to worry about that, and by then, you need to worry about getting your life's work under way, getting that real job and getting promoted. Whatever it was, my friends all did what they were supposed to, they graduated college and now, day to day, they are working towards their dream job (or already have it). Due to financial reasons (which my high school said not to worry about, 'there a millions of ways to pay for college, you'll figure it out!') I couldn't finish college and getting that dream job was not on my list of things to do anymore. Everyone else seems to be asking me when I'm getting a 'real job'. Well I got married instead. I (along with everyone else) need to realize that what defines you is not what you do for a living, it's the living that you do outside of your job that makes you who you are. When I tell people that I'm focusing on other things like, wanting to learn how to crochet, or running a 5k, or wanting to start a family instead of looking for a better job, they look at me like I'm a crazy person.
[ ] Stop caring about what other people think about your life (my life long struggle)
[ ] Continue to seek out new and interesting things to learn
[ ] Live more day to day and not worry so much about what 10 years down the road looks like (PS- it looks like you're 34... stop looking!)
[ ] Continue to develop that Nothing Box (you know, that thing that men have in their brains where they aren't thinking about anything- that never happens for me. Ever.)
[ ] Please learn to spell better. It doesn't look good to the intelligent people on the interwebz.
Spiritually- This one is usually pretty good, but you can never have too much faith.
[ ] Pray every day. Not just when you want/need something. At the very least, just say thanks.
[ ] Forgive others instead of getting mad at them.
[ ] Try not to gossip or talk smack about people.
[ ] Read a passage a day for a while, and just think about it through out the day.
Financially- This one isn't the best, but we'll work on it.
[ ] Stop buying things because you're bored. Period.
[ ] Eat out way less (already do this but only to save money, we need to get used to making food at home)
[ ] SAVE money. Just because there's money in your account doesn't mean you need to spend it. And when the season picks up, keep up with the same budget and pocket that extra for the winter!!
Blog More Just about the day or a little snippet here and there. It doesn't have to be Nobel prize winning writing.
Take More Pictures It doesn't have to be a holiday or special occasion, just take some! Heck, just take some and blog about it!
Read More Let's be honest, just having them around doesn't mean you're reading them.
Be. Happy.
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