Spring is finally here!! Windows open! Birds Chirping! I love it.
Now, on to something I've wanted to do since I first read an entry like this:
Behold, the Week by Week survey! *oooh, aahhhh*
How far along?: 6 weeks!
Total weight gain: I've actually lost some since we've been doing p90x (on week 9!)
How big is baby?: The size of a sweet pea, not to be confused with a bratty pea...
Maternity clothes?: Nope, but I looked at some and I feel like I'd wear those stretchy jeans for the rest of my life... Oh and I bought a dress/shirt (tunic?) that I thought would look cute, but maybe I'll wait until I have a bump to wear it since it looked shapeless on me regularly.
Stretch marks?: None yet.
Symptoms? I get nauseous if I don't eat often (what else is new?). I had cramps all last week, but they are minimal to non-existent lately. My boobs are getting a little sore and I get tired easily.
Sleep?: except for helping my friends decorate for a 5 year old's party until the early hours of the morning, I've been great. Maybe getting up to pee once a night.
Best moment this week?: Another person just magically guessed my condition around some friends, so I didn't lie about it, they were all so very excited.
Movement?: Nope.
Food cravings?: Nothing really yet, if I do want something, I just assume it's me, not the baby giving me cravings.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: casual social drinking, no beer or wine for this one... also sushi.
What I'm nervous about: binge eating, it's too early to start eating everything and blaming it on "eating for two", I'm not trying to gain a million pounds here. I'm also really eager to hear a heartbeat.
What I am looking forward to: Well, I'm not really excited about it, but I have an appointment for blood work on Wednesday, so maybe I'll know more about little one.
Milestone: Week 6 means baby is not the size of a seed anymore! We've moved on to fruits and veggies.
I'll try to keep up with these even though I don't have a computer. Maybe I'll give it a shot on the iPhone next week...
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