Total weight gain: I'm not weighing every week, but I still feel pretty good, and I'm running a bit!
How big is baby?: The size of a blueberry!!
Maternity clothes?: Nope, but I wouldnt mind getting a pair of maternity jeans just so I'm not squeezing myself into my current jeans.
Stretch marks?: None yet.
Symptoms? I still get nauseous if I don't eat often. My boobs are so huge already, and I'm tired all the time.
Sleep?: As usual. I toss and turn a bit and have a few minutes during the day when I lay down and close my eyes for about 10 minutes.
Best moment this week?: I think I found the beginnings of a little bump just above my panty line. I made Matt feel it, he doesn't think it's anything to get excited about, we'll see!
Movement?: Nope.
How far along?: 7 weeks!
Food cravings?: I really wanted some sour candy, I had to have a bacon cheese burger and I've been drinking tons of milk.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In.
What I miss: I still miss sushi, and margaritas
What I'm nervous about: I'm feeling a little cramping, but everythin makes me nervous. I'll feel better after we see a heartbeat (2 more weeks until the appointment).
What I am looking forward to: this week we are going to see Idina Menzel in concert in Raleigh!!!
Milestone: I don't think I hit any this past week.
I did this post on my phone so I hope it turns out ok. It doesn't love pictures, so I'm working on it.
I really can't wait to tell everyone. We plan to tell my dad, brother, sister in law and nephew at my dads cook out at the end of April! Since we're in MD already I really want to tell my best friends in person! After that everyone else wont find out until Mothers Day. Matt and I plan to have lunch with our moms and Nana to give the great news! But that's not for another
month or so.
I also want to get a pair of yoga-pants jeans... I mean... Maternity pants. I would wear jeans with a fold over yoga pant waist for the rest of my life.
Running update!! I've been running like a maniac! I'm up to 22 miles for the year (since Jan). I'm really starting to enjoy it.
Ok that's it for my tiny keyboard tapping! I'll try to keep up on my itty bitty phone!
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