Total weight gain: None
How big is baby?: The size of an avocado! Yum!
Maternity clothes?: yes. stretchy jeans are made by angels and no jeans should ever have buttons or zippers.
Stretch marks?: Nope
Symptoms? I haven't napped lately, but I'm still tired. My face is clearing up. Oh! My nails are amazing. I think I finally popped as far as belly showage, people are patting it and saying it's a bump, so it's a bump! I've had a wicked headache all day, and I've heard that I have 25-30% more blood in my body, and let me tell you, I can tell.
Sleep?: I'm having weird dreams a lot. Like, between my snooze alarms, weird dreams. I yawn a lot... I could most likely use a nap, but I'm not a zombie without one like I used to be.
Best moment this week?: Seeing Matt's family for Memorial Day Weekend!
Movement?: YES! I laid on my belly on the beach, and I felt bubbly swimmy feelings really low in my belly for about 15 seconds. I felt something similar a few days a go and wasn't sure, but today, I'm pretty positive it was Baby B.
How far along?: 16 weeks, 4 month mark!
Food cravings?: I'm gonna be honest, I eat a lot normally, and I like a lot of things all the time, so this all still feels normal. I did ask Matt if pickles and peanut butter would be gross... he obviously said yes, but that's because he doesn't like pickles....
Labor signs?: No!
Belly button in or out?: In
What I miss: caffeine today. I had some coke because I thought that was the cause of my massive headache... it might have worked for a little bit, but it's back...
What I'm nervous about: I haven't bought a single thing yet... but there's plenty of time for that...
What I am looking forward to: My mom getting a paycheck and getting the heck out of my house... so I can clean Baby B's room... AND my 16 week appointment on friday!!
Milestone: Felt mah baby wigglin'!