Total weight gain: None
How big is baby?: The size of an orange, 4 inches long!?
Maternity clothes?: I got a few more bags from ladies at work, but I'm just wearing yoga pants every day at the moment.
Stretch marks?: Nope
Symptoms? I'm still taking naps, but again, I did that last year after work too.
Sleep?: I slept like crud the other night, but I made up for it last night by sleeping from 9-5:45 only waking up to pee once!
Best moment this week?: went to the beach yesterday, it was lovely.
Movement?: I'm not sure what's going on, maybe it's baby, maybe it's dinner... who knows really? I'm not going to know for sure until this kid high kicks my bladder.
How far along?: 15 weeks
Food cravings?: I really wanted candy yesterday, so I've been all about the Airheads and Sweetarts. I still love anything that can be eaten with katchup.
Labor signs?: No!
Belly button in or out?: In, but I was looking at it the other day, and it's looking a little flatter than usual...
What I miss: running! I haven't gone in a while, the air has been bad due to a brush fire across the bridge, and my gym buddy has been busy lately.
What I'm nervous about: I'm kind of nervous about my eating habbits lately, but everyone has been telling me that's what prenatals are for, which I make sure to take everyday, so I feel better about it.
What I am looking forward to: napping in a few minutes... memorial day weekend money starting to roll in this week!
Milestone: Don't think we hit any this week!
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