Total weight gain: So went to the doctors and found out I have actually LOST 2 pounds since my first visit 4 weeks ago. Whaaat?
How big is baby?: The size of a lemon!
Maternity clothes?: I went out with a friend to find some, but we ended up getting some great tops at TJMaxx that would work before and after my belly! I'm still searching for some jeans, since I'm almost not fitting well into my fat jeans... yikes!
Stretch marks?: Nope
Symptoms? Still napping like a crazy person... washing my face twice a day... other than that, I'm a viking.
Sleep?: not too bad, just regular I guess
Best moment this week?: We heard the heartbeat again at our appointment. She held it on there for a minute and it was so lovely to hear. There was a big swoosh and she said it was the baby kicking or moving! Oh my gosh. Cutest kick in the world.
Movement?: Not that I can feel, but I know we're moving a lot in there. Soon enough!
How far along?: 14 weeks
Food cravings?: Fruits and veggies!! I really wanted link sausage at work the other day, and I still want some homefries with onions and cheese... maybe tomorrow...
Labor signs?: No!
Belly button in or out?: In... but I had to look to make sure...
What I miss: to be honest here folks, I'm gonna say doing it... and only because my mother has been living with us due to an impromptu eviction... *rolls eyes* so I finally get some (read SOME not a lot) energy back, and she shares a wall with us... awesome...
What I'm nervous about: I don't think I'm nervous about much this week. After hearing the heartbeat again, I'm feeling really good.
What I am looking forward to: sleeping in on wednesday for starters... and feeling the little baby swooshes from the inside!
Milestone: We met our Midwife whom I freaking LOVE. She is amazing. I really pray she will be able to be around for my delivery. (aaahhh, delivery!!)
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