Total weight gain: 3 lbs
How big is baby?: The size of a sweetpotato!!
Maternity clothes?: jeans and comfy shirts
Stretch marks?: Nope
Symptoms? I'm pretty great lately. I'm feeling a lot of crazy stuff going on in my belly lately though!
Sleep?: regular, I'm starting to want to use a pillow under my belly a little when I sleep on my side.
Best moment this week?: One of my best friends' wedding was on saturday, I saw all of my friends and I feel like I looked great, so it was quite a success!
Movement?: I think it's gonna start getting crazy from here on out... It's getting more frequent.
How far along?: 17 weeks!
Food cravings?: Sweets. All over the place. Cakes, cinnamon buns, chocolate, ice cream, fruits... all things sweet please.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In, but flattening.
What I miss: running... again. I'm gonna try to get going back to the gym soon.
What I'm nervous about: eating healthy with all this sweets craving, I feel guilty about keeping my nutrition great.
What I am looking forward to: my friends are coming to visit on sunday!!!
Milestone: don't think we hit one this week?
Just another lovely week growing a human! We have a doctor's appointment for the ANATOMY SCAN next thursday! So that is the next big thing for us.
Sounds like your doing great dear! Good luck for the anatomy scan next week-how fun!!!
Love your blog! Our pregnancies sound very similar except I crave salty things more so than sweets. But weight gain, clothing,sleep is all the same. Good luck finding out the sex of the baby:) we find out On Tuesday!
Your blog is too cute and makes me wish I lived at the beach! Our A/S is next Friday and I am beyond words excited to find out what we will be having in November. Best of luck in the rest of your pregnancy. I'll be back for more reading :o)
Thanks so much for reading and commenting ladies! I'll post what we find out as soon as I can!
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