Total weight gain: 6 lbs... not too bad for half way, but I'm keeping an eye on it.
How big is baby?: The size of a cantaloupe. He was 8 inches long at the doctors on Thursday.
Maternity clothes?: jeans and regular shirts... which are getting tight....
Stretch marks?: Nope- the belly butter is amazing. I'm slathering it on every night.
Symptoms? I was feeling some tail bone pain, and the doctor said it was because my pelvic bone was widening (awesome). Apparently I'm beginning to grow milk so that explains those pains. The break outs come and go.
Sleep?: still the same
Best moment this week?: Seeing our little BOY and finding out that he was a BOY.
Movement?: Every day! Especially when I'm still or lying down. Some good little kicks starting up. Matt still can't feel.
How far along?: 20 WEEKS. HALF WAY!
Food cravings?: FRUIT and salad. I wouldn't toss sweets out of bed either...
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: In and if I push around it it can pop out! Weird!
What I miss: I miss running again this week. A lot of beer and wine was had this week, not by me though. I had juice in a cool glass. Oh, and I miss Matt... he's working a ton.
What I'm nervous about: Now that we've had a great doctors appointment, I'm less nervous. I was told to go ahead and work as I normally do, without too much heavy lifting.
What I am looking forward to: making a registry sometime soon now that we know what to get and of course, doing some shopping myself.
Milestone: Baby B is half baked!
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