Total weight gain: 6 lbs at the last appointment, most likely 7 by now.
How big is baby?: The size of a banana!
Maternity clothes?: jeans and camis pretty much this whole week since it's been hot as butt and those are stretchy tops.
Stretch marks?: Let's keep them away!
Symptoms? My back/tail bone is starting to ache a little after a busy day at work. Other than that, I chalked my breakfast tasting weird on brushing my teeth, despite my co-workers blaming it on my baby changing what I like to eat...
Sleep?: whenever I can. Matt has been working like crazy and we take naps during the day before he leaves for work and after I get home. As far as nightly sleeping, it's going well. I just need to prop my belly on a pillow sometimes.
Best moment this week?: The family got to feel Baby B moving yesterday. I felt like he got squished a lot, but he's ok.
Movement?: All the time! As long as I'm not working too hard, I can feel him rolling around, I'm getting so good kicks every so often too.
How far along?: 21 weeks, more cooked than not!
Food cravings?: well, I had 3 doughnuts today and as I passed Dairy Queen something in me really wanted a milkshake... but I was so over sweets, I'm blaming Baby B on my massive calorie intake today.
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: flat.
What I miss: Wine. I had a tiny sip of red last night with our steak dinner and it was glorious.
What I'm nervous about: I had to pee 4 times at work this morning! I'm nervous that the next 4 months of work are going to be increasingly difficult...
What I am looking forward to: I'm already looking forward to my next appointment, but thats in 2 and a half weeks. Oh and I'm looking forward to my friend Jo coming down for the next few weeks!
Milestone: Matt felt the baby kick last night. :) It was really cute. He was like 'woah was that it!?' and I said yeah! And he thought it was the coolest thing. Beacause it is. :)
1 comment:
Aww, congrats! Looks like we are just a couple of weeks apart- I'm due Nov. 27th. I keep trying to get my husband to feel some kicks, but baby boy just won't cooperate with us! :)
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