I almost forgot about posting this weeks survey! Here it is!
Same sized fruit as last week.

Total weight gain: We'll see if I'm gaining that pound a week at this appointment coming up on friday...
How big is baby?: a freaking pound and some change... isn't that crazy?!
Maternity clothes?: the amazing jeans, and my belly pops out of my regular shirts...
Stretch marks?: not yet! *knocks on wood*
Symptoms? I'm having a bit of pregnancy brain... and the dropsies here and there.. both things you don't really want to have as a waitress. Heartburn is still come and go. Belly itches. My back is starting to hurt easier than usual.
Sleep?: Ugh I've been so tired since the midnight showing of Deathly Hallows pt 2 and I haven't really caught up yet... but I have a day off on Wednesday!!
Best moment this week?: Matt felt the baby kick as he was falling asleep, I was already asleep, so they bonded. How cute.
Movement?: The little bumps and thumps are starting to feel like real kicks lately.
How far along?: 23 weeks, 6 months next week, omg.
Food cravings?: BBQ fritoes have been my guilty pleasure. And doughnuts make me really happy. I do wish the little guy would start craving salad or fruit again...
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: flat. as. can. be.
What I miss: I was watching So You Think You Can Dance, and it really made me aware at how limited my moving has become lately. I hardly move too fast or bend too much in any direction. These guys were amazing by the way, so this week, I really miss dancing (like real dancing, not club dancing guys...)
What I'm nervous about: Being a fatty with my eating habbits this week... :/
What I am looking forward to: Another belly check up on friday and a short trip to MD to shmooze at a bridal shower!
Milestone: I had to do the 'pregnant lady' version of getting off the couch the other day... I'm starting to really feel big, even though I don't look nearly as big as I feel...
OH ok, so I just finished my rough mood board for how I want his nursery to look like, and you guys get an exclusive peek (even before Matt because he's at work).

Kind of like baby nautica meets pottery barn?
Cute.. we almost picked that same bedding!
That's funny that you say that because I saw on your blog that you picked the whale bedding from PB and I was thinking about that one as well. Great minds :)
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