Total weight gain: 10 lbs up as of this mornings nutrition appointment, on track for gaining about 1 a week from here on out.
How big is baby?: The size of a papaya, almost a pound!
Maternity clothes?: jeans, all of my shirts are starting to come up a bit in the front. I wore one of my 'not really maternity, but bought with the belly in mind' shirts last night and I didn't look fat in it!
Stretch marks?: Let's keep them away! I'm still belly buttering every night.
Symptoms? The heartburn set in a bit this week. Other than that I'm pretty good.
Sleep?: I go from having a lot of energy some days to being exausted the next. It mostly has to do with how busy work is, when I get to bed, and how hot it is outside.
Best moment this week?: Matt came home from work late one night and asked how his babies were doing and fell asleep holding my belly. <3
Movement?: A lot. Mostly rolling and a few thumps every few hours.
How far along?: 22 weeks! 5 and a half months!!
Food cravings?: nothing has really hit me hard this week about NEEDING to have it, but I had a dozen cookies in two days... and the ice cream didn't last too long in the freezer...
Labor signs?: Nope.
Belly button in or out?: flat.
What I miss: running again. My nutritionist was pleased with my eating habbits and I told her I usually try to make healthy decisions because I use to run. She was impressed. I love seeing people run on the side of the road, I want to be like "good for you!!!"
What I'm nervous about: Trying to be healthy and keeping my weight where it should be. I add a lot of sweets and snacks to my healthy diet and I'm still at the very lowest point for being on track with gaining. I just hope I'm doing everything right for Baby B.
What I am looking forward to: UM HARRY FREAKING POTTER MIDNIGHT SHOW ON THURSDAY. The very. last. one. guys. I'm gonna be a mess. I'm schedueled to work the next morning... aka a few hours after the movie ends... we'll see how that goes.
Milestone: I don't think I hit any this week... except for maybe hitting the 10 lb mark, but I don't know how I feel about that...

oh my god you guys. this is freaking it. accio tissues.
1 comment:
"Accio tissues" just made me lol. I'm right there with you. What will life be like without anymore Harry to look forward to?
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