Total weight gain: We are up a total of 35lbs. Over what I planned, but not out of the norm.
How big is baby?: They say he should be over 6lbs at this point! The size of a WATERMELON.
Maternity clothes?: Pretty much all of my clothes are too small, even my stretchy pants are tight. It's got to be the water retention.
Stretch marks?: still around my belly button, keeping an eye on it though. Matt kissed them last night and said 'it's for a good cause' <3
Symptoms?: My hips hate when I sleep on my sides (which is the only way I can sleep) and when I stand up, I can pretty much feel my feet widen. It might just be the weird fall weather, but I've needed chap stick like never before. I also pee about every hour or two during the day, Matt still says I need to drink more water.
Sleep?: It could be better, but I only have 3 more shifts at work, so I'm able to relax at home and not need the hours of sleep I've needed over the summer. However, we went to bed around 9 last night, and woke up at 9:30 this morning! Our nights of sleep are ever so numbered though.
Best moment this week?: This whole week has been really nice. I've had a lot of days off and Matt and I just do things around the house, cleaning, fixing up his room, rearranging our room, just spending time together. It's been very relaxing.
Movement?: I'm pretty sure I was tickling his feet this morning, it was so cute. I would wiggle my fingers where I thought his toes were and he would jump around! He loves to stretch out so his feet are poking through my right side and there's a bulge near my belly button (his butt maybe?). Otherwise he sometimes shakes a little or rolls around.
How far along?: 37 weeks!
Food cravings?: Nothing crazy recently, I really wanted Reese's when we were passing a Sonic, so we got a sonic blast, but I also got what I'm pretty sure tasted like the best freaking fast food burger I have ever had. I had to give Matt some of my tots and he said 'why? are they not so great?' and I said 'no, I just ate a whole cow is all...'

The fake promo pictures don't look as good because it's all waxy... but I can't find a decent 'real' picture that doesn't look gross.
PS- is it bad that when I was googling, I could tell which fast food place it was from? I'm a fast food junkie.
Labor signs?: Lots of Braxton Hicks, even when I'm just sitting and reading, a little bit of light cramping, but nothing big yet. The pressure is bad though, it's like he's just leaning down into my pelvic bone (which I guess is a good sign).
Belly button in or out?: so out
What I miss: moving around easily. I find myself asking Matt to bring things up 'whenever he plans to come up stairs' and he just brings them up right then, sweet guy.
What I'm nervous about: Ok, so we went to my weekly doctors appointment on Wednesday, got checked out (1 cm dilated already!) and she mentioned I could have some spotting from being checked out. Well it was a lot, and then I noticed a little leaking over the next day so I called and they had us rush over to look again. We threw things into the hospital bag and got there as soon as we could. Turns out it wasn't amniotic fluid (which is great news), but she did notice I was bleeding a lot more than I should, so we cut in the line and got a quick ultrasound to make sure my placenta was still ok. It's looking pretty good, so we were in the clear for now.
What my doctor told me however was this, we most likely won't make it to 40 weeks. 36 weeks (what I was at my appointment) is a little early, we should at least make it to 37 weeks (today), but gravity is working against me at this point and he'll probably be here no later than next week or the week after (meaning this week or next!). So we're on the look out for contractions and keeping calm.
What I am looking forward to: We have another appointment on Wednesday, hopefully we'll just get closer to knowing when he's planning on arriving, or maybe I'll be another centimeter dilated? I really just can't wait to meet him.
Milestones: FULL TERM TODAY!! Which means, if he shows up today, he'll be pretty much ready for action. NO worries about lungs or being underdeveloped!
A freaking watermelon guys...