Total weight gain: Well, hopefully I'm only gaining baby at this point.. so I want to say 26... but I have an appointment today, so we'll see...
How big is baby?: Over 4lbs, 1 oz., maybe even 5!
Maternity clothes?: I just bought a dress from Motherhood Maternity last night for a rehearsal dinner!

Stretch marks?: thinking there may be some lines around my stretched out belly button, but it might just be part of what once was my belly button...
Symptoms? The heartburn is further between than usual which is nice, but I'm peeing about every two hours... and my hips and legs are so tired ALL the time.
Sleep?: still pretty great, thankfully!
Best moment this week?: Matt's shop closed for the winter so we are in the home stretch! He's now cleaning with his aunt since she hurt her back, so he won't be bored waiting for the baby. :)
Movement?: He has found my hips and ribs and loves to kick them or lodge his foot up against them. Also, still trying to bust out. His little movements are less, and his hiccups are less, but there's a lot less room as of late.
How far along?: 34 weeks
Food cravings?: beer (and wings maybe?)... I know... I don't even really like beer, but it's because I can't have it... still loving salt and chocolate (especially together). OH AND I was really craving a burger with lots of onions, pickles and mustard the other day.
Labor signs?: braxton hicks, the constant low pressure has started lately.
Belly button in or out?: crazy.
What I miss: not gaining weight. I can't wait to start working it off again.
What I'm nervous about: As we bought everything for him yesterday, it started to sink into my brain that I'm going to be responsible for a human for the rest of my life... and it's simply weeks away. It's really blowing my mind.
What I am looking forward to: A doctor's appointment today, hopefully we'll find out if I'm making any type of forward progress towards this guy coming out the right way. Also, we're heading up to Maryland for one of my best friends weddings!! Enter: the Bridesmaid Whale.
Milestones: We bought that amazing rocking chair we both wanted so bad!! Now we have to figure out how to put this crazy thing together... I didn't think I signed up for furniture making class when I got pregnant...
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