Total weight gain: I am up to 30 now as of my appointment last Wednesday... Looks like I passed my other goal too... I'm already ready to work it off (but we'll see how much energy I have once this lil' guy comes out).
How big is baby?: Over 5 for sure...
Maternity clothes?: I'm running out of clothes that will actually fit over the bump at this point... I was told today it looks like I was hiding a little basketball under my shirt, when in reality it feels like an elephant.
Stretch marks?: I'm in battle at the moment, sometimes they show up and sometimes they fade, so I'm trying to keep them at bay.
Symptoms?: Exhausted constantly. Heartburn. I'm starting to get a little puffy so I took my rings off and put them on my cross necklace. I don't like not wearing my rings though. Basically none of my shoes fit. Did I mention that my butt has pretty much doubled since I got pregnant?
Sleep?: Whenever I can get it. I fall asleep on all car rides, take naps, sleep through the night, my body is getting ready to never sleep again.
Best moment this week?: We are 99% finished with his nursery. It's my favorite room in the house. I love just sitting in the rocker by the window and soaking it all in. Once I get a few final frames hung up I'll take pictures!
Movement?: I feel his foot sticking out on my right side a lot. He still hiccups at least once a day. And sometimes it hurts when he rolls over or stretches out for a moment. But like I tell Matt, I'd rather feel him too much than not enough.
How far along?: 35 weeks/ 35 days to go!!
Food cravings?: anything to keep me awake: Pepsi, lattes, sugary candies... and I really wanted some OJ the other at work, but I knew it would give me wicked heartburn. I though since he really wanted it, maybe it wouldn't, but I was so wrong, it was 2 hours of solid pain through my chest. Darn you OJ...
Labor signs?: lots of lower pressure and braxton hicks.
Belly button in or out?: it's mainly popped out like a turkey timer, but sometimes it sinks back in for some reason, and I'm not sure why.
What I miss: my rings on my hands, it makes me nervous when I'm washing them or putting on lotion or something and don't feel them. I realize I am really used to spinning them around on my fingers now that they aren't there to spin.
What I'm nervous about: Not much I don't think. I'm ready for this to start getting down to business.
What I am looking forward to: I can't wait for the restaurant to close! I have 9 more shifts (unless we go into labor before the end of the month). I'm also looking forward to my birthing class tomorrow night. Matt actually gets to go! It's all about how you shouldn't be scared about labor because it's natural and I'm so ready to get pumped about natural birth.
Milestones: Hit 35/35 this week! And finished the nursery for the most part!
Here's a picture from the wedding on Saturday!
It was tons of fun and absolutely beautiful. The Niner's would be proud of all the DIY stuff going on at this one. I also had a great time, even though I couldn't take advantage of the open bar as much as everyone else...
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