Total weight gain: We'll see at our appointment tomorrow, but I'm nervous... if Matt would stop making cookies and therefore force me to eat my yogurt, maybe I wouldn't be a house...
How big is baby?: He should be at least 6 at this point. We might find out tomorrow!
Maternity clothes?: I now wear black maternity pants at work, it was about time... everyone was wondering how I was still wearing real pants, but they were like 2 sizes too big when I bought them... and then I used a hair thingy on the button to add an inch...
Stretch marks?: It's getting crazy around my belly button, I hope when it goes back in, it will take some marks with it...
Symptoms?: Achy bones. Since everything is ready to move around to fit this baby out of my pelvis, my bones have been hurting when I move them. My feet and hips especially. Heartburn, if I have it, it's horrible, but only when I eat late and then sleep or eat something really bad like salsa or green peppers.
Sleep?: I slept amazingly last night. I couldn't even feel the weight of him half the night. It was really pleasant. Our bed is so comfy... I'm really interested in a nap now that I'm thinking about it...
Best moment this week?: We went grocery shopping for the first time since summer started... since we always eat out and are never home. I completely cleaned out the fridge, freezer and pantry of all old foods and washed it all! So the deep cleaning is slowly but surely happening in our house.
Movement?: We'll confirm at the appointment, but I'm pretty sure he's facing the wrong way... not breech, but sunny side up.
This is how he is supposed to be:
This is how I think he is:
I think its happening because my belly button caves in sometimes, and also he is visibly very mobile in my belly, which leads me to believe his legs and feet are right up against my belly. The only bad thing about this is possibly having back labor, which I hear is a lot worse than regular labor, but maybe he'll turn!
How far along?: 36 weeks!
Food cravings?: WELL I had two doughnuts and 4 cookies today... so sweet treats I guess.
Labor signs?: the pressure is getting worse especially when I have to pee... and some cramping a little, but I don't know if those are contractions.
Belly button in or out?: OUT
What I miss: not being puffy looking
What I'm nervous about: getting him in the right position to get the heck on out whenever he decides.
What I am looking forward to: Our appointment! I know we'll learn a lot more about when abouts he's coming.
Milestones: None this week!
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