Monday, November 28, 2011

Jesse Is Here!

Jesse Michael Rider's Birth Story:

I had come down with PUPPS (a super obnoxious itchy rash) at about 38 weeks and I was trying to deal with it on my own. I was putting on a ridiculous amount of lotion and cortizone every day, taking benadryl and daily oatmeal baths. At my 39 week appointment, my doctor was ready to induce me that night if I wanted, but it seemed a little overwhelming and terrifying that I could have my baby that night. So we ate lunch and tried to talk over when we should have our baby. My problem was that I didn't want to get induced, I was afraid that pitocin would jack everything up and hurt worse and cause complications, but every minute I was scratching and putting too much on/in my body and baby to stop the itching, so it was kind of a lose-lose situation. We ended up deciding on getting induced on his due date.

So it was 7:30am on Monday November 14th and we were just getting settled into the labor room. As I filled out paper work, I got hooked up to a bunch of stuff, a heart monitor for the baby, a contraction monitor, had to keep a blood pressure band around my arm and I got hooked up to an IV and pitocin drip, but it wasn't until about 9:30 that the pitocin actually started. The doctor came in to make sure he was head down and I was already 4 cm dilated! So we started off really slow with the pitocin. They came in every half hour or so and upped my dose by 2 mL an hour. I had a few friends, my dad, Matt and his mom in the room with me. We chatted and time was flying by. We watched my contractions on the monitor, nothing too strong, and about 2-4 minutes apart. We played card games, told stories, checked facebook and kept everyone updated. At about 2, my friends came back with Bojangles and sonic slushes which I only snacked on a little since getting up to pee was the biggest pain. I was checked again at 2:30 and I was still only 4 cm. They broke my water then and upped the dose again, by this time we were at 16 or 18 mL of pitocin an hour and we watched my contractions get longer, stronger and come more often. It was pretty manageable since they felt like period cramps (I had pretty bad cramps during my periods, they just weren't every 3 minutes). For the most part I could just breathe through them. For some reason, something funny would happen every time I was at the peak of my contraction and I would laugh, and it wouldn't feel awesome, but I was laughing so we were all having a good time. Everyone was amazed that I was laughing and smiling through labor. By 4 I was 6 cm. Progress! So we upped my dose a little more and now my contractions were 1 to 2 minutes apart. I started needing Matt during the peaks of my contractions. At first I was just squeezing his hand, but as they got stronger I was really holding on and focusing on breathing through each one. By 6, I was 8 cm. It was starting to get serious because we needed to move into the delivery room and I started feeling the urge to push. As everyone was moving around us, Matt and I focused on my contractions. I was finally wheeled into the delivery room. We could only have 3 people in the room, so Matt sat by my side on my bed, his mom at one leg and our good friend Amber at my other leg. This part is a little foggy but I remember feeling the contraction and this intense pushing urge. So I would push for 10 seconds, breathe and push twice more. We did this through about 10 contractions, at the end I was pushing 4 times per contraction. I kept hearing everyone getting so excited about how close he was to coming out. I just remembering not being able to breathe and getting an oxygen mask at some point. I was so weak and tired and couldn't catch my breath. I started to feel him stay out (since it felt like he was going in after I pushed which was really frustrating) so I mustered all I could and pushed a mighty push until he was out!! I laid there trying to catch my breath as there was a whirlwind of cleaning and crying and he was handed to me. I tiredly counted his fingers and watched Matt shakily cut his chord. He was so beautiful and his cry was so amazing. I was so proud and so very tired, but at 8:10pm, Jesse Michael Rider was born 7lbs 5oz, 20 inches long.

Here are some pictures!

Strong contractions...

My friends wrote on the white board.

Here he is!!

Proud Daddy!

More pictures and an update to follow!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

38 weeks

Total weight gain: Well, Halloween candy at walmart is now 50% off... lord help me. And since he's gaining weight everyday, it means I am too. Yay...

How big is baby?: Almost 7 lbs, good gracious.

Maternity clothes?: Getting to big for maternity pants makes my heart hurt a little. My behind has pretty much doubled, and since my belly is so low now a days, it's impossible to fit into any pants while also fully covering my belly with any one shirt.

Stretch marks?: Yup. Bright red swirls all around my belly button... and I've started noticing something faint on my left hip. It's time to get out before it gets worse!

Symptoms?: Braxton hicks, lots of sweating (I accidentally typed swearing at first, but we could possibly say that too), hips screaming while I sleep, swollen fingers and toes, irritability, spurts of energy followed by lots of napping.

Sleep?: Well, the restaurant is closed! So there's no setting alarms which is nice, but I'm tossing and turning every few hours to keep my hips from breaking. And when I say toss and turn, I mean, shifting my weight in 8 small movements from one hip to the other, because I can't just flip like I used to.

Best moment this week?: Closing up the restaurant. I went in for breakfast one last time and helped out (even though I'm 9 months pregnant and didn't even clock in = respect points!). It only took about an hour or so, and I was hoping it would send me into labor.... it didn't.

Movement?: Tons still. I sat and tried to do kick counts while he was napping and it freaked me out. Matt was like 'he has to sleep sometime, relax!' that's what we have husbands for. :) Also, Matt was obsessed with feeling where we could tell were feet or elbows last night, couldn't stop rubbin! It was so cute.

How far along?: 38 weeks!

Food cravings?: Nothing out of the norm, a lot of milk (even though the last 2 glasses I drank, I poured out half way through because I felt like they were tasting funny).

Labor signs?: braxton hicks, but not much real cramping yet. Except for Friday night, I cramped every hour for about 12 hours, thought it was the real thing, and it stopped while I was at work. LAME. I'm so impatient.

Belly button in or out?: so out and stretching.

What I miss: Fitting in clothes or shoes. I started to look at some jeans and then I realized it was pointless. At least for another month or so...

What I'm nervous about: Not knowing if my water breaks! Some people say it can be a slow leak, but apparently a lot of fluids are hanging around these days, so it can get confusing. I just don't want his water to run out and remain clueless! Of course, I'm sure he would stop moving, or I would feel gushes.

What I am looking forward to: Our next appointment tomorrow. Maybe I'll be more dilated?

Milestones: Well, his room has been done, the diaper bag and hospital bag have been packed for weeks, the restaurant closed... it's just waiting for the big moment! Oh! And I trick or treated as a janitor with a 'beer belly'... lol.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Nursery Reveal!

Ta-Da! and GASP what is that?! A name?! Sure is folks! Jesse Michael Rider (two!two!two middle names in one!) Let's take a closer look:

We got the Circo 9 Cube organizing unit as well as the green and blue storage bins from Target.The changing pad and Nautica Zachary Pad Cover are from Babies R Us. The paintings are hand painted by friends and family (we're still awaiting one, note the empty space where we plan to hang it).

The crib (a hand me down) and our amazing Green and White glider from Babies R Us. The bedding is called Bannanafish Nantucket collection at Target and the mobile is also part of the Nautica Zachary set at Babies R Us. That blanket was the one I got at my shower that I adore (and those are the hospital bag and diaper bag packed and ready to go!)

This was our guest room before, so we left the bed to become the Grandparent's Suite (since my dad plans on staying over after Baby B gets here!) The pillows and frames are all from assorted times and places I just threw them together. (The Bee pillow pet was from the shower too).

Inside the crib! The cute alligator sheets, a Boppy, a St. Bernard, and a few 'relaxing sounds' animals at the other end. Breathable Bumpers and Nautica Zachary Mobile from Babies R Us.

You've gadda have the name in letters somewhere. I also turned the original (dangerSIDSwatchout!) bumpers from his bedding set into window valances!

His closet, stocked to the brim with diapers and boxes of toys I'm sure he'll keep very neatly in all of the boxes we have up here.........

Cutest little clothes in the world! (And hand me down bouncer and tub).

A close up of the organizer, the diaper cake and books from our shower, hooded towels and baskets of washcloths. The diapers/wipes/baby powder and such are in the drawers. His hamper (to the left) is from Thirty-One.

A close up of the bags!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Things I Loved During Pregnancy

Palmer's Belly Butter

I put this on my whole belly, hips and chest every day since I started feeling even the slightest of bumps. I only have a few tiny marks on my belly button, but other than that, I feel like it has kept my skin soft and smooth. It has absolutely made all the difference in my widely stretched out skin. I only went through 4 tubs my whole pregnancy which is less than $20. It also has a calming lavender smell to it.

Tums Smoothies (particularly the Mixed Berry flavor)

I had such horrible heartburn during this pregnancy... it was a miracle to pop a couple of these in at night or during work. I felt almost instant relief. You hardly need to even drink water (unlike regular chalky tums).

American Star Maternity Jeans - Motherhood Maternity

I wore these jeans pretty much every day from abouuut 16 weeks on. The moment I started wearing them I was surprised I had sufficed with stuffing myself into my regular jeans and unbuttoning them when I got full. I've said it a million times and I stand by it, people, we should boycott any sort of pant with buttons and zippers, and all wear these lovely stretch top jeans. Note: Mine didn't go as high, and I usually folded them down like yoga pants (and also the stretchy part was navy, not beige).

Ritz Crackers and Schweppes Ginger Ale

Or: How I survived first Tri. I basically munched on these crackers constantly. And I have never drank so much soda in my life, except that one year I was really into grape soda... Anyway, I never physically got morning sickness, but I sure had a few bad weeks of nausea, and let me tell you the secret is constantly eating carbs (cheerios were good too). And ginger is a natural nausea suppressant. I really felt so much better after half a sleeve of crackers and a bottle of gingerale.

The Boppy Body Pillow

This was an anniversary present (2nd year is cotton, how perfect). So I got it in September, right around Month 7 when everything starts getting uncomfortable. Let me tell you, this solved all of my problems. It might take up a little room in the bed, but Matt loves it too (when I leave for work, I notice he's already snuggled up to it). And the less I move around at night, the less he wakes up from my moving. I sleep on it just like in the picture, sometimes I fold it in half and sit up against it to read and sometimes I shape it like a C and sit in the middle so my head is propped and my legs are propped a little too. It's amazing.

Birthing From Within By: Pam England

I had a ton of different midwives/Douala's recommend this book to me, so I had to read it. It's more of a text book that I skimmed some parts (like the art project ideas and the stuff about multiples). It is filled with amazing natural birth stories from all parts of the world and date back to the beginning of the century. Not only did I get inspired by such a amazing women and their natural births, but it explained so many medical procedures in an unbiased, informative way (for being so gung-ho about going natural that is). I'll write a book review on it later and talk more about it. But basically, if you are even thinking about going natural, pick up this book, spend a few weeks picking up things here and there when you feel like it, because it is big, but so very helpful.

Neutrogena's Oil Free Acne Wash and Moisturizer

Aka: my face washing team. I like to switch things up every so often, so I went back and fourth between the scrubby kind and the regular kind. Both smell amazing, both are soothing and gentle on your face. Pretty much from the moment I found out I was pregnant, I noticed my face rebelling in a horrible way. A week or less after using these babies, my face was smooth and glowing. The moisturizer is a very important step. Without the lotion afterwards, your face is left slightly stripped and dry, so after the lotion, you feel balanced and protected!


Ok this one is a given, but for real, water solves everything! If you feel crampy or swollen or nauseous, or tired, or have heartburn or a headache, pretty much if you want to live a happy life, you need to drink water. And tons. AND TONS of it. I pretty much didn't drink anything else (after first tri that is). And I know, you'll have to pee on the hour, every hour by the end, but it is so good for you and baby. If someone doesn't feel quite right some how, I always recommend they drink a big glass of water first. :)

I absolutely loved being pregnant and had hardly any complaints, but with these things, what little things I griped about, became no big deal!

Monday, October 24, 2011

37 Weeks - Full Term!

Total weight gain: We are up a total of 35lbs. Over what I planned, but not out of the norm.

How big is baby?: They say he should be over 6lbs at this point! The size of a WATERMELON.

Maternity clothes?: Pretty much all of my clothes are too small, even my stretchy pants are tight. It's got to be the water retention.

Stretch marks?: still around my belly button, keeping an eye on it though. Matt kissed them last night and said 'it's for a good cause' <3

Symptoms?: My hips hate when I sleep on my sides (which is the only way I can sleep) and when I stand up, I can pretty much feel my feet widen. It might just be the weird fall weather, but I've needed chap stick like never before. I also pee about every hour or two during the day, Matt still says I need to drink more water.

Sleep?: It could be better, but I only have 3 more shifts at work, so I'm able to relax at home and not need the hours of sleep I've needed over the summer. However, we went to bed around 9 last night, and woke up at 9:30 this morning! Our nights of sleep are ever so numbered though.

Best moment this week?: This whole week has been really nice. I've had a lot of days off and Matt and I just do things around the house, cleaning, fixing up his room, rearranging our room, just spending time together. It's been very relaxing.

Movement?: I'm pretty sure I was tickling his feet this morning, it was so cute. I would wiggle my fingers where I thought his toes were and he would jump around! He loves to stretch out so his feet are poking through my right side and there's a bulge near my belly button (his butt maybe?). Otherwise he sometimes shakes a little or rolls around.

How far along?: 37 weeks!

Food cravings?: Nothing crazy recently, I really wanted Reese's when we were passing a Sonic, so we got a sonic blast, but I also got what I'm pretty sure tasted like the best freaking fast food burger I have ever had. I had to give Matt some of my tots and he said 'why? are they not so great?' and I said 'no, I just ate a whole cow is all...'

The fake promo pictures don't look as good because it's all waxy... but I can't find a decent 'real' picture that doesn't look gross.

PS- is it bad that when I was googling, I could tell which fast food place it was from? I'm a fast food junkie.

Labor signs?: Lots of Braxton Hicks, even when I'm just sitting and reading, a little bit of light cramping, but nothing big yet. The pressure is bad though, it's like he's just leaning down into my pelvic bone (which I guess is a good sign).

Belly button in or out?: so out

What I miss: moving around easily. I find myself asking Matt to bring things up 'whenever he plans to come up stairs' and he just brings them up right then, sweet guy.

What I'm nervous about: Ok, so we went to my weekly doctors appointment on Wednesday, got checked out (1 cm dilated already!) and she mentioned I could have some spotting from being checked out. Well it was a lot, and then I noticed a little leaking over the next day so I called and they had us rush over to look again. We threw things into the hospital bag and got there as soon as we could. Turns out it wasn't amniotic fluid (which is great news), but she did notice I was bleeding a lot more than I should, so we cut in the line and got a quick ultrasound to make sure my placenta was still ok. It's looking pretty good, so we were in the clear for now.

What my doctor told me however was this, we most likely won't make it to 40 weeks. 36 weeks (what I was at my appointment) is a little early, we should at least make it to 37 weeks (today), but gravity is working against me at this point and he'll probably be here no later than next week or the week after (meaning this week or next!). So we're on the look out for contractions and keeping calm.

What I am looking forward to: We have another appointment on Wednesday, hopefully we'll just get closer to knowing when he's planning on arriving, or maybe I'll be another centimeter dilated? I really just can't wait to meet him.

Milestones: FULL TERM TODAY!! Which means, if he shows up today, he'll be pretty much ready for action. NO worries about lungs or being underdeveloped!

A freaking watermelon guys...

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

36 Weeks

Total weight gain: We'll see at our appointment tomorrow, but I'm nervous... if Matt would stop making cookies and therefore force me to eat my yogurt, maybe I wouldn't be a house...

How big is baby?: He should be at least 6 at this point. We might find out tomorrow!

Maternity clothes?: I now wear black maternity pants at work, it was about time... everyone was wondering how I was still wearing real pants, but they were like 2 sizes too big when I bought them... and then I used a hair thingy on the button to add an inch...

Stretch marks?: It's getting crazy around my belly button, I hope when it goes back in, it will take some marks with it...

Symptoms?: Achy bones. Since everything is ready to move around to fit this baby out of my pelvis, my bones have been hurting when I move them. My feet and hips especially. Heartburn, if I have it, it's horrible, but only when I eat late and then sleep or eat something really bad like salsa or green peppers.

Sleep?: I slept amazingly last night. I couldn't even feel the weight of him half the night. It was really pleasant. Our bed is so comfy... I'm really interested in a nap now that I'm thinking about it...

Best moment this week?: We went grocery shopping for the first time since summer started... since we always eat out and are never home. I completely cleaned out the fridge, freezer and pantry of all old foods and washed it all! So the deep cleaning is slowly but surely happening in our house.

Movement?: We'll confirm at the appointment, but I'm pretty sure he's facing the wrong way... not breech, but sunny side up.

This is how he is supposed to be:

This is how I think he is:

I think its happening because my belly button caves in sometimes, and also he is visibly very mobile in my belly, which leads me to believe his legs and feet are right up against my belly. The only bad thing about this is possibly having back labor, which I hear is a lot worse than regular labor, but maybe he'll turn!

How far along?: 36 weeks!

Food cravings?: WELL I had two doughnuts and 4 cookies today... so sweet treats I guess.

Labor signs?: the pressure is getting worse especially when I have to pee... and some cramping a little, but I don't know if those are contractions.

Belly button in or out?: OUT

What I miss: not being puffy looking

What I'm nervous about: getting him in the right position to get the heck on out whenever he decides.

What I am looking forward to: Our appointment! I know we'll learn a lot more about when abouts he's coming.

Milestones: None this week!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

35 Weeks!

Total weight gain: I am up to 30 now as of my appointment last Wednesday... Looks like I passed my other goal too... I'm already ready to work it off (but we'll see how much energy I have once this lil' guy comes out).

How big is baby?: Over 5 for sure...

Maternity clothes?: I'm running out of clothes that will actually fit over the bump at this point... I was told today it looks like I was hiding a little basketball under my shirt, when in reality it feels like an elephant.

Stretch marks?: I'm in battle at the moment, sometimes they show up and sometimes they fade, so I'm trying to keep them at bay.

Symptoms?: Exhausted constantly. Heartburn. I'm starting to get a little puffy so I took my rings off and put them on my cross necklace. I don't like not wearing my rings though. Basically none of my shoes fit. Did I mention that my butt has pretty much doubled since I got pregnant?

Sleep?: Whenever I can get it. I fall asleep on all car rides, take naps, sleep through the night, my body is getting ready to never sleep again.

Best moment this week?: We are 99% finished with his nursery. It's my favorite room in the house. I love just sitting in the rocker by the window and soaking it all in. Once I get a few final frames hung up I'll take pictures!

Movement?: I feel his foot sticking out on my right side a lot. He still hiccups at least once a day. And sometimes it hurts when he rolls over or stretches out for a moment. But like I tell Matt, I'd rather feel him too much than not enough.

How far along?: 35 weeks/ 35 days to go!!

Food cravings?: anything to keep me awake: Pepsi, lattes, sugary candies... and I really wanted some OJ the other at work, but I knew it would give me wicked heartburn. I though since he really wanted it, maybe it wouldn't, but I was so wrong, it was 2 hours of solid pain through my chest. Darn you OJ...

Labor signs?: lots of lower pressure and braxton hicks.

Belly button in or out?: it's mainly popped out like a turkey timer, but sometimes it sinks back in for some reason, and I'm not sure why.

What I miss: my rings on my hands, it makes me nervous when I'm washing them or putting on lotion or something and don't feel them. I realize I am really used to spinning them around on my fingers now that they aren't there to spin.

What I'm nervous about: Not much I don't think. I'm ready for this to start getting down to business.

What I am looking forward to: I can't wait for the restaurant to close! I have 9 more shifts (unless we go into labor before the end of the month). I'm also looking forward to my birthing class tomorrow night. Matt actually gets to go! It's all about how you shouldn't be scared about labor because it's natural and I'm so ready to get pumped about natural birth.

Milestones: Hit 35/35 this week! And finished the nursery for the most part!

Here's a picture from the wedding on Saturday!

It was tons of fun and absolutely beautiful. The Niner's would be proud of all the DIY stuff going on at this one. I also had a great time, even though I couldn't take advantage of the open bar as much as everyone else...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bags- not under my eyes...

... not yet anyway.

We just finished packing up the diaper bag and the hospital bag, so I decided to take a few pictures and show you what I put in them!

Hospital Bag - thirtyone organizing utility tote in paparazzi dot.

I packed:

A robe
A hoodie
A few camis
Yoga pants
2 nursing bras
2 soft non-slip socks
3 pairs of panties I don't really care about (I know they give you some, but I just like being prepared)
My Belly Band
A bandanna
Some relaxing lotions
A pouch of change for vending machines
A few pads (just for backups)
My ipod (with a relaxing play list on it)
Hard Candies (life savers and worther's caramels!)
Cards (and a Scrabble card game)
A book
A magazine
And someone gave me bubblegum cigars as a joke, so those are in there too!
I also plan on putting my phone charger and camera in there!

Ready to go! Matt might need his own bag....

I put a small bag of hygiene stuff in a bag to throw in as well, here's the details:

shampoo and conditioner
chap stick
face wash
hair brush
hair thingys/clips

Diaper Bag Vera Bradley Baby Bag in baroque

Three outfits (usually there will only be one extra, but this is ready for the hospital stay)
A hat
A pair of socks
Diapers (newborn)
Burp Cloth
A Peepee Teepee (hilarious!)
Disposable diaper trash bags (that smell like baby powder!)
Mini's in: Baby Powder, lotion, baby wash, shampoo and desitin
A gum brush for teething
A bottle (filled with pumped milk when we need it-it's obviously not filled yet, but I plan on having frozen ones for trips)
A lion rattle
A puppy stuffed animal
2 Binkies (pacifiers)
Extra breast pads
An extra shirt for me
A bottle of water
A snack
A mommy hook (for holding bags on the back of the stroller)
A bleach pen
My phone and my wallet (not shown because I'm buying a smaller newer one to fit in the front pocket)

See and it all fits really nice with room to spare!!

Tada! Isn't it beautiful!?

I'm also showing off the amazing stroller we got from our baby shower:

It drives like a dream and all of the buttons that do stuff are bright orange so you know what you're pushing!

We also got the amazing rocking chair we wanted! I promise the nursery is almost done! I will post pictures so very soon!!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

34 Weeks!

Total weight gain: Well, hopefully I'm only gaining baby at this point.. so I want to say 26... but I have an appointment today, so we'll see...

How big is baby?: Over 4lbs, 1 oz., maybe even 5!

Maternity clothes?: I just bought a dress from Motherhood Maternity last night for a rehearsal dinner!

Stretch marks?: thinking there may be some lines around my stretched out belly button, but it might just be part of what once was my belly button...

Symptoms? The heartburn is further between than usual which is nice, but I'm peeing about every two hours... and my hips and legs are so tired ALL the time.

Sleep?: still pretty great, thankfully!

Best moment this week?: Matt's shop closed for the winter so we are in the home stretch! He's now cleaning with his aunt since she hurt her back, so he won't be bored waiting for the baby. :)

Movement?: He has found my hips and ribs and loves to kick them or lodge his foot up against them. Also, still trying to bust out. His little movements are less, and his hiccups are less, but there's a lot less room as of late.

How far along?: 34 weeks

Food cravings?: beer (and wings maybe?)... I know... I don't even really like beer, but it's because I can't have it... still loving salt and chocolate (especially together). OH AND I was really craving a burger with lots of onions, pickles and mustard the other day.

Labor signs?: braxton hicks, the constant low pressure has started lately.

Belly button in or out?: crazy.

What I miss: not gaining weight. I can't wait to start working it off again.

What I'm nervous about: As we bought everything for him yesterday, it started to sink into my brain that I'm going to be responsible for a human for the rest of my life... and it's simply weeks away. It's really blowing my mind.

What I am looking forward to: A doctor's appointment today, hopefully we'll find out if I'm making any type of forward progress towards this guy coming out the right way. Also, we're heading up to Maryland for one of my best friends weddings!! Enter: the Bridesmaid Whale.

Milestones: We bought that amazing rocking chair we both wanted so bad!! Now we have to figure out how to put this crazy thing together... I didn't think I signed up for furniture making class when I got pregnant...