Tuesday, September 6, 2011

30 Weeks

Total weight gain: I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see then. I read somewhere that Baby will be gaining about half a pound a week from here on out!

How big is baby?: Around 15 inches long, and almost 3 pounds.

Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts.

Stretch marks?: not yet, I've been changing up which lotions I use, hopefully I keep them away.

Symptoms? HEARTBURN. and bumping into everything. I'm spilling things often... and I have a hard time breathing every so often when he tries to stretch me out.

Sleep?: According to other mamas to be, I should consider myself lucky for how well I sleep at night, but that could be because I'm so tired during the day, I just become dead to the world once my head hits the pillow.

Best moment this week?: It's been a crazy week. I saw a lot of people I loved all at once, but not under the best circumstances.

Movement?: always. rolling, poking, hiccuping, kicking. I love it all though. :)

How far along?: 30 weeks! In the home stretch now!

Food cravings?: Pumpkin flavored things and anything totally bad for me, mainly pastries...

Labor signs?: A little pressure here and there, but nothing serious.

Belly button in or out?: popped out for sure.

What I miss: not working. I'm so ready for the restaurant to close.

What I'm nervous about: 3. hour. glucose. test. tomorrow. eek.

What I am looking forward to: BABY SHOWER ON SATURDAY!! I'm so excited to start really putting things in his room and getting ready.

Milestones: Got into the 30's! 10 more to go!

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