Total weight gain: 25 as of my Wednesday appointment
How big is baby?: 4lbs, 1 oz.
Maternity clothes?: Jeans (got some shorts too!) and huge shirts or camis
Stretch marks?: keeping them at bay with my belly butter!
Symptoms? I was getting some pretty horrible heartburn, leg cramps are bad in the morning, braxton hicks while I'm at work, sore hips and legs while I'm walking.
Sleep?: mostly good, maybe I wake up to pee, but I'll toss and turn only a few times (but I did that before pregnancy too).
Best moment this week?: Seeing our little boy again! We found out he already has hair!! Which explains the crazy heartburn.
Movement?: he kicked a cup off my belly the other night. It sometimes feels like he's trying to bust through my skin!
How far along?: 33 weeks
Food cravings?: chocolate chips and black olives (not combined-ugh that would be gross)
Labor signs?: still just a few braxton hicks a day, which is normal.
Belly button in or out?: a mountain.
What I miss: bending over to get things without knocking the wind out of myself.
What I'm nervous about: his nursery looking good. So far, everything we have looks miss-matched, and we've already been given so many crazy colorful toys and seats that are bright and it doesn't give off the vibe I've been hoping for.
What I am looking forward to: Once we get our completion coupon for our registry we are going to shop for the rest of what we need! Maybe I'll be able to recover the room-vibe and make it more how I want it to look, I'll take progress pictures...
Milestones: 8 MONTHS THIS WEEK!!
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