Total weight gain: We'll see at my next appointment on Wednesday!
How big is baby?: Should be about 3.5 lbs!
Maternity clothes?: Jeans and huge shirts
Stretch marks?: I think I'm getting the beginnings of one on my chest... so I ran out and bought some stretch mark cream to nip it in the bud.
Symptoms? hips, legs and feet are sore all the time from the extra weight, wicked heartburn, braxton hicks occasionally
Sleep?: Surprisingly I've slept straight through the night the last few nights, haven't even gotten up to pee.
Best moment this week?: Matt was feeling Baby's hiccups and said "I want him out now so I can see him!" me too darlin', me too.
Movement?: when you can see hiccups, you know it's serious, he's been really stretching my skin out moving around all the time. I heard when he starts getting bigger he moves less, but I don't think that's gonna happen...
How far along?: 32 weeks
Food cravings?: chocolate milk this week, like, I made Matt run out with me to 7-11 to get a big bottle of it, and I finished it in record time.
Labor signs?: a few braxton hicks a day, gadda keep an eye out and make sure there's no more than 4 an hour.
Belly button in or out?: just rediculous
What I miss: I actually have to roll out of bed... and I have to sit so much lately, if I get down on the floor, I need help getting up.
What I'm nervous about: not baby related at all, but I'm nervous about my bridesmaids dress fitting... I haven't gotten it yet and the wedding is 3 weeks away!
What I am looking forward to: Another ultrasound on wednesday!! Get to see my baby boy again!
Milestones: don't think we hit any this week...
1 comment:
Super cute moment :) I want to meet him too! It's funny to think he's real, just hangin' out in your stomach (well.. uterus.) OH that reminded me of the bluterus... hahahaa...
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