Total weight gain: As of my appointment last week, I am up to 22 (and apparently he is to be gaining about half a pound a week from here on out... so looks like my original goal of keeping it under 25lbs is out... but 30 will be in reach which is still on par for weight gain).
How big is baby?: Around 16 inches long!
Maternity clothes?: Jeans and bigger shirts that my belly now pops out of... I had to wear Matt's medium work shirt at work the other day.
Stretch marks?: not yet, but I'm nervous about getting them.
Symptoms? back aches are starting! I'm eating all the time, but that's not too new.
Sleep?: I've been waking up to pee at about 3 or 4 am every day this past week. Matt got me a Boppy Body Pillow for our anniversary (TODAY) so I am really excited to try it out!

Looks good right?
Best moment this week?: Baby shower comes in close second only because we went to Cheesecake Factory last night for our Anniversary dinner! Yummmmy
Movement?: He is getting stronger, his kicks are getting real serious. He almost busted out of my tummy yesterday when we were in the car taking a sharp turn as he was already headed that way, and he slammed more than he wanted to, but it was almost painful!
How far along?: 31 weeks
Food cravings?: everything?
Labor signs?: tight tummy (Braxton Hicks contractions) and pressure sometimes.
Belly button in or out?: popped out for sure.
What I miss: bending, moving, getting out of bed, dancing or doing anything fast at all...
What I'm nervous about: my belly has been tight all day, but he's moving around, so I guess I' just trying to stretch out?
What I am looking forward to: I have another ultrasound next week along with our other baby shower! Things are getting done around here!
Milestones: First baby shower down, one to go, and then the rest is up to us!
Only 7 more weeks until we are full term!
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